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Toll the new year's bell, inside the prohibited area
Toll the new year's bell, inside the prohibited area 2013-2014
Every new year's eve in Japan, people go to their local temples to ring the bell to exorcise all the negatives that had happened that year. Exactly when it turns to the new year's day, the sound of the bell echoes all around in Japan. However, probably the only place in Japan you cannot hear the bell gong is the area surrounding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In fact, since 2011, no new year's bell has rung in this place because nobody do not live in this erea. On new year's eve of 2013, we entered the area, sure enough, to toll the bell.
立ち入り禁止区域に除夜の鐘を鳴らしに行く (2013-2014)
福島第一原発そばの立入禁止区域。この場所の除夜の鐘はもう3年鳴っていない。 これからも鳴らないかもしれない。 大晦日、鳴らない鐘に向かって真っ暗な道を歩いた。 たどりついたさきで、除夜の鐘を鳴らした。
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